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Joei Velten

Doctoral Student
HPER 129

Faculty Advisor
Jared M. Porter, PhD

Courses Taught

KNS 231 Introduction to Sport Psychology
KNS 290 Principles of Movement Control and Skill Learning
KNS 331 Exercise Psychology
PYED 200 Mind & Body Training
PYED 237 Stress Management
PYED 252 Weight Training
PYED 253 Intermediate Weight Training


MS Florida State University Sport Psychology
BS Texas Christian University Kinesiology


  1. Porter, J. M., Velten, J. R., Badami, R., Nezakatolhossaini, M., & Lotfinejad, M. (2024). Knowledge of results about more accurate versus less accurate trials: Differential effects on psychological variables and motor learning in adolescent females. Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism, 31(1), 12-16
  2. Markwell, L. T., Velten, J. R., Partridge, J. A., & Porter, J. M. (2023). Virtual motivation: The psychological and transfer of learning effects of immersive virtual reality practice. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 11(2), 359-373