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Rachel Williams

Headshot of Rachel WilliamsDoctoral Student

Faculty Advisor
Dr. Jedediah Blanton

Courses Taught

KNS 290 Principles of Movement Control and Skill Learning
PYED 200 Mind & Body Training
PYED 237 Stress Management
PYED 239 Beginning Swimming
PYED 240 Intermediate Swimming
PYED 252 Weight Training


Psychosocial outcomes of youth sport, education-based athletics, the development of leadership and other life skills, literature crossovers between motor behavior and sport psychology


MS East Carolina University Sport and Exercise Psychology
BS University of North Carolina, Wilmington Exercise Science


Williams, Rachel E.; Habeeb, Christine M.; Raedeke, Thomas D.; Dlugonski, Dee; and DuBose, Katrina D. (In-Press) “Parent Motivational Climate, Sport Enrollment Motives, and Young Athlete Commitment and Enjoyment,” International Journal of Exercise Science. 

Williams, R. E., Barreria, T. V., & Tseh, W. (2019). Fitness-related benefits: land-based versus aqua-base. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness60(1), 26–31.