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Terilyn C. Shigeno, PhD

Sport Psychology & Motor Behavior
HPER 338


KNS 231 Introduction to Sport Psychology
KNS 290 Principles of Movement Control & Skill Learning
KNS 534 Motor Behavior and Skill Acquisition

Shigeno’s research interests lie within both morality in sport as well as Cultural Sport Psychology. She seeks to understand why (or why not) athletes engage in certain behaviors in sport as well as how power influences individuals and systems within sport. More specifically, she is interested in how to make sport a vehicle for moral development and social change


PhD University of Tennessee, Knoxville Kinesiology and Sport Studies
(Sport Psychology and Motor Behavior)
MS Springfield College Exercise Science and Sport Studies
(Sport and Exercise Psychology)
BS Pacific University Exercise Science
(emphasis in Motor Behavior; minor in Psychology)

Shigeno, T.C., Fisher, L.A., & Murray, M. (accepted 01-18-17). Moral disengagement in U.S. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III (DIII) collegiate athletes and non-athletes. The Journal of Contemporary Athletics.

Fisher, L.A., & Shigeno, T.C. (2017). Gender-based violence in athletics. In K.L. Nadal (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of psychology and gender. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Shigeno, T.C., Fisher, L.A., Bejar, M.P., & McHenry, L. (2017). Exploring the Experiences of Asian American Sport Psychology Professionals: An Underrepresented Population in the Field. Lecture presented at the Social Justice through Sport and Exercise Symposium, Charlottesville, VA, Apr. 6-8, 2017.

Shigeno, T.C., Fisher, L.A., & Murray, M. (2016). Moral disengagement in U.S. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III (DIII) collegiate athletes and non-athletes. Poster presented at The Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 28-October 1st, 2016.