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Fall Semester Conferences

This semester we had some of our faculty, staff, and students represent KRSS at regional and national conferences.

National American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) Conference

Pictured from left to right, YJ Kim, Ilina Arsova, Patrick Crowe, Lars Dzikus

NASSS is the leading professional organization in the field of sport sociology and was founded in 1978 “to promote, stimulate, and encourage the sociological study of play, games, sport and contemporary physical cultural.” At least 19 current/former Volunteers presented their research at the 2023 annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport in New Orleans, November 1-4. We had two current doctoral students, Ilina Arsova and Jess Hamdan, 1 post-doctoral student, YJ Kim, and 4 faculty members ,Dr. Lars Dzikus, Dr. Adam Love, Dr. Jason Scott, and Kelsey Webb in attendance.

We also had Dr. Lars Dzikus elected to serve on the Executive Board of for NASSS. Dzikus will serve alongside President Brian Gearity, a two-time graduate of the University of Tennessee.

Association of Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) Conference

The Sport Psychology & Motor Behavior Program hosted our annual social at the 2023 Association of Applied Sport Psychology Conference in Orlando, Florida. We were so happy to see a solid turnout of current students & faculty, as well as alumni and former faculty! We hope to see another strong turnout in Las Vegas next year!

North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA)

Dr. Kip Webster was recently elected to the Board of Directors of NASPSPA as the Communication Director. They had their annual BOD Meeting in Chicago in September at the Big 10 Conference Center.